
JAX !Make Louder

Gain Up The Presence Of Your Digital Sounds

Loudness and saturation is an important factor for dodays music production.

JAX Make Louder is an Audio Unit processor from our [ Just An Extension ] series with only one goal: make your sounds gained and saturated in loudness and ensure present levels.  

What's this ???








Everyone knows the common problem: Sometimes audio just cannot be loud enough, sometimes it distorts on the output badly if tweaked to the max. So we have developed an effect, that will automatically control this. 

Make Louder is not based on complex dynamics processors and it is also not an overdrive or amplification or saturation effect. We created a special digital algorithm that can boost audio in loudness up to a certain limit, without colorizing the sound too much. And it can prevent the audio to exceed the output limits if you for instance stack together many sound sources. 

JAX Make Louder also has an inbuilt intelligent algorithm, preventing bogus loudness boosting if the maximum level is already reached.  But this effet is not designed to replace professinal mastering processors. 




Read or download the manual for the product in PDF format.





 YouTube video(s) :



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